I have been working for over a year on a project called “The Find”. The job is now done and is parked on my website home page. Free. Enjoy. Share.
As you read this, Maureen and I are recalling that some of the work in “The Find” was being packed 50 years ago to this day.
We bought our rural Ontario home in the fall of 1972, and we spent the Calgary winter of 1973 putting our “stuff” into boxes. What to keep and what to pass on was a daily chore. We arrived in Lonsdale on April Fool’s Day. First time buyers will do that.
In the end, a lot of art was kept, and enjoyed again in Ontario. The dinner ware set made in Calgary in 1972 on page 17, was probably the first porcelain dinner ware set made in Canada by a studio potter. Some of the plates got my salty hand stains on the edges and made blisters. I could not sell that kind of a mistake, so they came home. We used and enjoyed them. A lot. They now have kintsugi 23 c gold on the blisters and look just fine.
“The Find” is 89 pages of what we found in a storage shed. I hope you enjoy the document. It is mostly pictures, and some text, so it will take a bit of time to go through it. Feel free to comment.