The Hug

admin-hhdevBlog, Uncategorised 10 Comments

Hello! As a maker in the decorative arts, I always tried to elevate my work by adding content.  Whether it was two frogs chatting in a coffee cup or ducks telling a joke to a frog on the inside a bowl, it added meaning to an object.  Imagine.   Meaning transports the decorative arts into the realm of Fine Arts; that is where we …

Making Bowls – Part I Throwing off the Hump – Technical Demonstrations

adminhhBlog 1 Comment

Why would someone who has been making pots for nearly 50 years still be making bowls? They are so basic, so simple, and so… well, useful. If you take those three reasons and add that they are truly fun to make, you have my answer. If you were to assume that the first three reasons are easy, you would be …