The Hug

admin-hhdevBlog, Uncategorised 10 Comments

Hello! As a maker in the decorative arts, I always tried to elevate my work by adding content.  Whether it was two frogs chatting in a coffee cup or ducks telling a joke to a frog on the inside a bowl, it added meaning to an object.  Imagine.   Meaning transports the decorative arts into the realm of Fine Arts; that is where we …

The Find

admin-hhdevBlog, Uncategorised Leave a Comment

I have been working for over a year on a project called “The Find”.  The job is now done and is parked on my website home page.    Free.   Enjoy.  Share.   As you read this, Maureen and I are recalling that some of the work in “The Find” was being packed 50 years ago to this day. We bought our rural Ontario home in the …

Oh boy, Spam tonight!

admin-hhdevBlog, Uncategorised 15 Comments

Almost 40 years ago I started to use junk food as subject matter for oil paintings. Even the enlightened in the ‘art community’ raised their eyebrows and generally took a pass. I was, and still am, amazed at what people will eat: industrial food-like substances that our grandmothers would never recognize, let alone feed to friends. I have noticed that …

Summer High

admin-hhdevBlog, Uncategorised 9 Comments

I had a high summer.   17 years ago, I shingled the south side of Paddy Doyle’s Hotel and added to the windowsills and trim.  They got a couple coats of paint, and I moved back into the studio to work on exhibitions. 17 years later, the windows needed a lot of love.  They are just over 180 years old.  This …


admin-hhdevBlog 4 Comments

Hello again! I hope this finds you well.  It has been a while since you heard from me, so I am reporting.  Maureen and I are just fine.  Being in lockdown in Lonsdale is almost normal.  I stopped making ceramics a couple of years ago but have been extremely busy on other projects.  More later. We have been a couple …



adminhhBlog Leave a Comment

Spring is like a beautiful Spanish orange. It looks good, it smells great, and as the layers are exposed, the promise of what is inside makes my mind work overtime. We have seen spring arrive in Lonsdale for 43 years, and each time we pinch ourselves to see if it is real. There always is something new to look at. …