Bet you thought I quit. Nope.
I have worked in the odd art world where some of us think ceramics is Art. But most think it is Art – sort of. Craft.
We all know that a painting is Art, really Art. So, I did paintings of my Art and included me in the mix. Art. Really.
I was also busy restoring my 1860’s blacksmith and carpenter’s shop last summer and fall. Things you do while waiting for paint to dry. Might happen again. More on this later…
It is my intention to be potter again this year. I will let you know how this works out too.
Kind thoughts,

Feature Image (at top of blog): Speaking in Mei Ping. Oil on Canvas 2020. 92 cm 76 cm.
Comments 10
Hi Harlan
I love these!! I want to see them/ you in the flesh! Brilliant.
Keep painting, potting and making.
I love your sense of colour Harlan…a lot of personal thoughts there…
I need moderation?
Love your new work
Can’t wait to see the blacksmith shop
Can’t wait to see you both
Not wasting your time, Mr. House, neither on canvas nor in the forge.
Amazing !
Your paintings have the same beauty, colour, and intriguing form as your ceramics. How inspiring. I think we need art more than ever these days. Thank you.
Hi Harlan, As we have know for a long time you are a person of many skills and talents and you never stop using your artistic mind and body. Sharon and I drove by you place a couple of Sundays ago but did not stop due to the “rules” right now so will journey that way when things change. Do we have to phone ahead for cookies, ha!!
Take care and stay safe, Lyle and Sharon
Age is an illusion.Keep up the good work. Stay well,Doug