One of our many human gifts is the right to change one’s mind. Today it is this way, tomorrow that way. I have a long history of Trump-worry. In March of 2017, I made a piece thinking of him. I worried: not sure of my stance. I changed my mind, but it took 7 years to add it to my blog. It is called …
The Hug
Hello! As a maker in the decorative arts, I always tried to elevate my work by adding content. Whether it was two frogs chatting in a coffee cup or ducks telling a joke to a frog on the inside a bowl, it added meaning to an object. Imagine. Meaning transports the decorative arts into the realm of Fine Arts; that is where we …
The Find
I have been working for over a year on a project called “The Find”. The job is now done and is parked on my website home page. Free. Enjoy. Share. As you read this, Maureen and I are recalling that some of the work in “The Find” was being packed 50 years ago to this day. We bought our rural Ontario home in the …
Lost and Find
Maureen’s family had this in their home over 70 years ago. We keep up the tradition of hanging it each Christmas season. I looked for it in a storage room at the studio in mid-December. Found it, amid five other boxes. Had to peek. I found my very first Iris vase, and a couple of other Iris vases as well. …
Oh boy, Spam tonight!
Almost 40 years ago I started to use junk food as subject matter for oil paintings. Even the enlightened in the ‘art community’ raised their eyebrows and generally took a pass. I was, and still am, amazed at what people will eat: industrial food-like substances that our grandmothers would never recognize, let alone feed to friends. I have noticed that …
Summer High
I had a high summer. 17 years ago, I shingled the south side of Paddy Doyle’s Hotel and added to the windowsills and trim. They got a couple coats of paint, and I moved back into the studio to work on exhibitions. 17 years later, the windows needed a lot of love. They are just over 180 years old. This …
Still at it…
We all know that a painting is Art, really Art. So, I did paintings of my Art and included me in the mix. Art. Really.